Well, not only my friend that will think exactly the same, perhaps you has similar opinion. My questions are how much interest you get from the bank? 5% - 6% per year?? How much they take for administration fee? tax? insurance? etc..etc.. The most important after all of that is how much is the country's inflation rate that year?
For example the 2008 inflation rate is around 11,06 % in my country, In 2005 the rate is even worse 17, 11% . In 2009 and 2010 the inflation is only around 2% SOURCE. In overall, how much is the total inflation in - let's say - 5 or 10 years???
All of us can see that it seems that our money in the bank is getting bigger but actually the value of our money is getting smaller and most of us we didn't aware of that.
Now let us see the table below, This table is the gold price in 2005 (table 1) and gold price in 2010 (table 2) provided by the trusted one kitco.com
Table 1. Gold Price 2005
Table 2. Gold price 2010
Source Kitco.comLet us compare the average Gold Price on June, 2005 and June 2010. The data shows that on June 2010 the average gold price reach US$ 430,66 per ounce at the same month in 2010, it reach US$ 1232,92 per ounce or increase around 287% in 5 years!
So my final question is: can your bank give you 287% interest in 5 years? :)
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